
Mission Two - hi guys so i was given my brief for my mission two and i have decided to do  the topic of youtube and study about youtube how it works and create my own youtube account to Annalise how it does.

So why youtube? I have actually chosen to study creative digital media because my dream job you could say is youtube. I have grown up eating breathing sleeping makeup i am a self taught makeup artist because of youtube. Ever since the age of about eight or nine i have discovered makeup videos on youtube and people called influencers. When i came across the makeup community on youtube i new that is what i want to d one day but iv never felt the courage or confidence to put myself out there and not care what people think and just do it.

So when i saw this opportunity to make a youtube account on anything i wanted as an assignment in collage i leaped at the idea.

I decided to do this mission with a fellow student called Denis. Denis has a similar interest n youtube himself but more on the filming side of it he has a passion for creating cool shot and transitions so i new that myself and Denis could work as a great team.

The first step was to choose what to do for the project what content did we want who did we want our videos to reach and what exactly did we want to film.

I told Denis about my makeup and how i do that on the side and suggested it as a potential youtube account idea. he loved it as it was a way he could record and edit and play around with some transitions and get creative.

So we decided to book the recording studio in collage as it had all the recording equipment we needed from camera to lights to tripods to backdrops so we were able to really create a good high quality video to put out on our new channel.


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