Digital Journalism

Hi guys sorry i havent written in awhile but its my last few weeks of collage and i have had a lot to do before christmas.
This post is all about the begining of my final mission in collage and for my last assignment i have decided to pick digital journalism.

I have always had a really big interest in journalism and english was actually my favorite subject in school. Despite the fact i can't spell and have awful grammer i actually really enjoy journalism and if i didn't have a spelling wavour i probably might have even gone down that career path. So when i saw digital journalism as an option for my last assignment once again i jumped at the oppertunity.

For this mission we had the freedom to work with fellow class mates in our course and not just be refined to our class. I really liked this as it gave me the option to work with differnt people. For my group i worked with two other students Ellen and Kevin.

The first step to our project was deciding what we wanted to do for digital journalism, The requirment for this misssion was to create a five minite video on a topic we chose and edit it in  premier pro.

We were given a website to resaerch about the differnt types of digital journalism and the three of us started by sitting down and researching the types and styles to decide what we wanted to focus on for our video. This website really helped and i found really interesting it gave me a real insite to digital journalism. I will link the website here and i invite you all to take a look at  it.


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